7 Factors affecting health | What is Nutritional Gap ?

7 Factors affecting Health

7 factors affecting health

Nutrient/ Nutrition is required by our body all the time, call it Balanced Diet.
We have discussed both sources – good and bad previously. We find both options before us but because of many reasons we consume the bad ones. Yes it is true, with most of products we consume in a day are from bad source and we cannot do much about it.
What causes the food/product to be bad source…

Lets discuss 7 Factors affecting Health…

1. Environment – Pollution in form of Air, Dust, Noise (That’s we know), let’s talk about what it does to our body --> Pollution is full of bacteria of different kinds. Some give us cold-flu and others give many deadly diseases, --> Because Bacteria effects on the cellular level of our body. Now what is cellular level? To my non science friends I will refresh a little bit.
Cells are the smallest part of our body. (Remember something?) Let’s discuss in more simple words. How our body is formed? 
Let’s take a look …

Cells --------> Tissue --------> Organs ------->Organ System (Body) 
            Forms                    Forms                    Forms

Now, if anything attacks our cell, then the effect is on every body part. It is because when we talk about Brain, Heart, Kidney, Lungs, Stomach, Arm, Legs, Intestines, etc., everything is made up of Cell. So when pollution hit the cells, the whole body suffers.

2. Adulteration
Chemically manufactured products are everywhere; Be it Flour, Milk and Milk Products, Fruits, Vegetables. You must have heard the stories and seen the footage where the products are farmed or grown with the help of chemicals or pesticides. Though it is profitable but it has a bad effect on health of consumers. It leads to many disorders in our body. Adding colors, artificial sweeteners, brick powder, wax, sand, lead, oil (mixing other oil to form one) to our Product causes serious problems.
Moreover what it does to the product is, it makes the product 
Nutrition Deficient; and we think by eating fruits we are getting nutrition, but sorry it is not true.

3. Stress
The result of unavoidable continuous pressure on your mind and body is Stress. Stress can be caused by many things, be it a tension of reaching office on time or tension of completing work/project on deadline.
In long term, it can be named either Migraine or Depression. That’s we normally know, but what it does to our body let’s discuss that -->
it attacks the body on Cellular level (we discussed above, what cell is). Which cell – Brain Cells cause Nerve stress, nerve damage, nervous system failure. And if the brain or our main system is affected then the damage is on whole body.

4. Lifestyle
We are living a fast-paced life. We are always on rush and are never on time! Isn’t it strange?
We don’t have time for our self, just working and working (which is not wrong) but what about the tool that we use to work i.e., our body and its fuel – Food.
We do eat food but what about the timings? Do we eat on right time in a right way? Let’s discuss

a. Irregular Timing
What about Brunch? We have combined our Breakfast and Lunch..! Is this correct?
After night -dinner the interval of taking next meal becomes very long.
These longer intervals result in two things – 1. Diabetic/Sugar Problems or Gastric Problems.

b. Heavy meal
In the context of heavy meal --> Breakfast should be the heaviest then, Lunch and the lightest should be Dinner (that too 2hrs before Bed). Ask yourself do we do that?
Or we do exactly opposite?

c. Eating Habits – Heard of chewing our food 32 times? But do we do that?
This saying is because when we chew food 32 times it mixes with your saliva and make the food ready for digestion.
It results in slower metabolic rate which is very important rate to manage your weight.

5. Alcohol/Smoking
Who doesn’t know why these two are bad? Whether the damage caused only to Liver (alcohol) and Lungs (smoking)? The answer is no; there are other things also which get disturbed by these two in our body.

a. Alcohol Consumption - Our Digestive system is made up of three organs – Stomach, Intestine and Liver. When there is alcohol consumption then, it first affects Liver then Intestine then Stomach (organs in reserve digestion process). So from here the digestion system is disturbed now what? If the food is not properly digested then we know what problems it will cause.
Long term damage: - Liver damage, Nerve damage, Brain damage, Gastric, Cancer, Sexual Problems, Malnutrition and many more. (Gradually it affects whole body)

b. Smoking – It not only results in Lungs damage (what we usually know), the side effects are much more. After damage to lungs it starts damaging i.e., Diaphragm, Bronchi, Trachea. Then the affects reach to Heart (which is also nearest), Brain. and imagine what is left in body after that.
Long term damage: - Vision, Diabetes, Sexual Problems, Cancer, Arthritis, Fertility issues, Gums diseases, Immunity.

7. Cooking Habits
We use some wrong methods to cook our food and much more, which are harmful to health.
  • Fat rich cooking is what we do today and because of this the nutrients from our food are lost.
  • Frying – Either Deep (food fully immersed with oil) or Shallow (food almost immersed with oil) both are considered to be bad for health.
  • Boiling – When we boil any food- we use more water and it results in nutrient loss from the food. For e.g. When we boil Spinach it losses its nutrient value.
  • Roasting – When we roast anything, when the food comes in contact with Gas directly, it losses its nutrients.

All the above methods either result in making our food fat rich or nutrient loss or both.
Problems from Fat rich food: - Cholesterol, Heart strokes, Blood pressure etc.
Some Good methods are also there: - Sauté Frying (2-3 spoon oil) and Steaming.

From the above discussion, it can be clearly seen that because of our practices, lifestyle, cooking habits, environment, adulteration, etc. we are not getting the daily intake of Nutrition.
This causes a Nutritional Gap (What we should eat – What we eat)
Let’s talk about it more…

--> Nutritional Gap

Because of many factors we lack nutrition in our daily meal. It results in Nutrition Gap.
Let’s take an example of a wall:
‘?’ denotes no brick in wall.

















What happens to the wall, if earthquake comes?
It will collapse, because it lacks the proper quantity of bricks.

This what happens with our body, when we lack nutrition (just like bricks), any external factors (discussed above) when come in contact with body, Body collapses! And many problems (discussed with above points) start recurring

There is a way you can fill the gap and neutralize the bad effects.
There is way you can build your body strong enough to deal with problems (discussed above.)

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