Protein | Definition, Source, Types, Functions, Digestion


Protein is most important substance for our body. It is because of requirement of our body. After Water, our body requires protein in major proportion.
We have a saying that protein is for gym goers, it is half true, actually it is for everyone, Let’s see how: -

Human Body Composition:

Vitamins & Minerals

Protein counts to 18% in our body, so we need it on daily basis. As it is not stored in our body, and the next day its count is 0. We need protein every day.
Let’s see why Protein is needed in our body?

Basic Structure of Human Body:

Cells --------> Tissue --------> Organs ------->Organ System (Body) 
            Forms                    Forms                    Forms

Cell is the smallest part of our body, and its structure to combine and form various organ and making our body, makes it the most important part of our body.

How cell is connected with protein?

Protein is the food of a cell, so to perform cell functions, cell needs protein.
Protein is required for every organ, be it Heart, Brain, Liver, Kidney, Stomach, Arms, Legs, etc., because everyone is made up of Cell and protein is its food.

What is the function of Protein in our Body?

For every human body, Protein does 3 functions: - Repair, Maintain, Develop.
When on heating (in our body), these three functions are carried out.

Requirement at different Age levels:

Protein is needed for all, but the function differs at different age level.
In child age, it covers all three functions but, it does Development work majorly.
In adults, it does all three but, it does Maintenance work majorly
In old age, it does all three again but, it does Repairing work majorly.

Source of Protein

Everyone knows that protein is needed from other sources in addition to food, still if someone doesn’t know, we will ask some question and your answer if No, you need protein from other sources.

Average requirement of Protein in humans is 60g every day. So for these 60g
1. Can you eat 11 eggs every day? or
2. Can you eat 50 bananas every day? or
3. Can you drink 8 glasses of milk every day? or
4. Can you eat 8 cups of curd every day?
(In addition to your regular meal)

If your answer is no, then you definitely need direct protein from other sources.
Let’s discuss about its digestibility:

Digestibility of Protein

Before talking about Protein digestibility, let’s take a look at the digestion process in our body.

 Digestion Process of Body:

Food ------------> Stomach ------------> Intestine ----------------> Liver
         enters in                   then goes to                then goes to

Food, say, Paneer/Dal/Cheese/Legume/Protein.

When we eat any food it goes to stomach and breaks down, then goes to Intestine and breaks down, then goes to Liver and breaks down.
When it breaks down in Liver, it breaks down in the form of Amino Acids.
Wait a minute that is protein form! Then the body uses amino acid for different works depending upon different requirements.

Now coming to digestibility:

When we eat any food, it goes to a process (discussed above). What happens when we take protein directly?
Protein also goes with the same process if it is of best quality. Quality I mean the digestibility score of protein. Checking this before buying any protein. Because when the digestibility of Protein is low, it creates stomach problems. It is because protein (when taken directly) is in high quantity – our body does not process it, and so the stomach problem arises. Two cases when Protein is not digested are: - First it gets stored in our body and creates Stone (Kidney) problems; Second (mostly occurs) Constipation.
So if you are taking it directly, do check its digestibility score. It should be more than 97%, so that your body, does not exert to digest it, and the problems of non-digestibility also do not occur.

Types of Protein

1. Whey Protein
Whey is majorly used for Muscle Strengthening and Muscle Building.
It is used by Gym goers, Athletes. Two form are used commonly:-
          Isolate: Instant release of energy and is used in Pre-workouts.
          Caseinate: Slow release of energy, maintain energy levels, and is used in Post workouts.

2. Plant Protein
Plant protein is used for general purpose i.e. for daily functions of body.
As protein is the food for cell (discussed above), Plant protein is best type of protein for those who are not doing any heavy workouts.

Points you should check before buying any protein:

1. Protein Content – Check exact protein content per scoop and overall.
2. BCAA – For protein synthesis. (It works for muscle growth not stomach growth)
3. Fat – Fat content in protein should be lower than 2g per scoop.
4. Carbs – Carbs content should be high in comparison to Fat. (Very important)
5. Fiber – Protein should contain dietary fiber. (Good for digestion)
6. Sugar – Check type of sugar – i.e. if it is fructose than there is no problem. But if it’s not, it will give you taste but will increase the sugar level in body.
7. Digestibility score or in percentage – the most important factor you must checking protein.

What happens when you take 30g of protein and only 30% (in maximum cases) of is digested in your body?
The remaining protein will either store in your body as fat or can make kidney stones. Constipation is also result of undigested protein.

There is a Way you can find a Protein with maximum benefits and high digestibility.

Ayurveda Herbs with Benefits- Tulsi | Triphala |Madhunashini

Traditional Ayurveda Herbs

Tulsi | Brahmi | Ashwagandha | Triphala | Amalaki | Vibhitaki | Haritaki | Madhunashini | Gurmar

India is known as the origin place of many herbs, which maintain, protect humans against many health issues, witnessed nowadays. Ayurveda traditions are a type of alternative medicine.

Let’s talk about some issues which can be easily controlled by our traditional herbs:

1. Stress
The result of unavoidable continuous pressure on our mind and body is Stress.
Because of Hectic lifestyles, fast paced living we are developing stress on every second, the reasons can be numerous.
Stress affects our Brain cells and damages our nervous functions. (Study shows)

There is an herb present for mental stress, named as Ashwagandha.
It relaxes our nerves and releases stress from brain.
It works for person having Stress or Anxiety or Hypertension or Depression.

2. Concentration
Right now can you name last 5 meals you have taken? Most of us can’t.
With passage of time humans have developed in many areas but our Concentration is going low. Let’s take another test,
Can you at this moment remember all your family members phone number?
Many may not remember even own. (Reason may be technological impact)

Example, why there is a reduced numbers of teaching hours at schools?
Previously it was of 50-55 minutes then reduced to 40-45 mins then reduced to 25-30 minutes (nowadays). Do you know why? Because the concentration is going less and to cope up with this issue the number of teaching hours are reduced.

So reasons are many – be it fast paced life, time, massive technological upgradation (that don’t allow us to learn anything but to search online for it) .etc.
Because of this, we are lacking concentration, alertness, grasping power, focus.

There is an herb present for concentration, named Brahmi.
It was given to students from the times when there was no provision to write or store teachings. So to learn what teacher or Guru (at that time) is saying, Brahmi was given to students to feed everything as-it-ease in mind, by their Gurus.

3. Immunity
There are n number of bacteria and virus that easily affect our health, and the reason could be lack of immunity. Our body defense mechanism are not enough powerful to fight against new bacteria which are getting powerful day by day.

Causes may be environment (which is changing rapidly and affecting our body at cellular level), food adulteration (which is not providing nutrients from food to prepare a strong defense mechanism), and hectic lifestyle etc.

Slight change in the climate affects us seriously.

There is an herb present for immunity, named Tulsi.
Which increases immunity, builds strong defense mechanism and makes us adaptogen (adaptable for any change).

4. Digestion
Coming out to be one of the major issue in recent times, in-digestion, or constipation or gastric issues. Stomach, is the first step in digestion process, and if it is not working properly then Intestine, Liver and later whole body is affected.

Due to our latest Eating habits: - 1. Irregular timings (long intervals between two foods either cause Diabetic or Gastric issues). 2. Processed Food and stored food (not digests properly in stomach), 3. Food adulteration 4. No Fiber intake (in diet).

There is an herb present for digestion, named Amalaki, Vibhitaki & Haritaki, usually known in combination as Triphala.
It supports digestion, Colon health, Improves appetite.
Soothing of hyperacidity and helps in detoxification of body.

5. Diabetes
The blood sugar level, blood sugar concentration, or blood glucose level is the concentration of glucose present in the blood of humans. Glucose is simply sugar and 4 grams of glucose are present in the blood of 70kg human at all times.
Diabetes currently affects more than 62 million Indians, which is more than 7.1% of the adult population, nearly 1 million Indians die due to diabetes every year.

There is an herb present named, Madhunashini. (Madhu = Sugar, Nashini = Killer)
This herb has introduced by Lord Shiva to reduce glucose levels of Lord Ganesha.
It support glucose metabolism and maintains glucose levels.

2 important question: -

Where to get these beneficial herbs?
They are not available in our supermarket so either we go to place (after research) where they are located and get them, or order it online in easy way and get full benefits of them.
A smart way to get them is in the form of tablet/supplement.

Why Herbs as supplement or not direct?
After reading following points you will know why herb as supplement is necessary in today’s environment.

7 Points to keep in mind while getting an herb from market (online/offline):

1. Non-GMO Seeds: These seeds used in manufacturing has to be Non-GMO which is stated safe for humans use. GMO means Genetically Modified, there are many cases of products where it found that they are using genetically modified seeds. Though it is a scientific advancement but it is not safe for Human use, Human bodies have a bad effects while using in longer times.

For e.g., we previously saw flowers of different colors (produced by mixture of two or more flowers) which was called genetically modified flowers. Later on, when the same procedure applied on foods – it was successful (giving us desirable traits-new varieties) but there was some issues. i.e.  Allergic reactions, Cancer (because of DNA mutation), Antibacterial resistance.
So irrespective of what brand is providing you, look at this information, It has to be genuine and Non-GMO.

2. Organic Farming: Product should be manufactured in an organic way, means no chemical
(Un-adulterated) is applied on seeds to manipulate the desired output, and has to be organically grown and processed.

3. Right Species: There are multiple species available for the same herb, so find out which one is best for human use- is most important.
For e.g., Tulsi, (herb) is available in varieties (naturally, not by genetically modified). Two most know are Rama and Shayma Tulsi. Now to find out which one is best for human use, proper research has to be done.

4. Right Part: After finding out the right species there is another point to consider, i.e., which part of that herb has got the most benefit for human? To understand this lets extend our Tulsi example, Say after research, it was found that Rama, (randomly taken) is best one.
Now which part of Tulsi is best: - is the leaves? Or the roots? Or stems?
Proper research has to be done here to find out the right part.

5. Manufacturing Process: Considering organic farming as one part of the whole process, the manufacturing process has to be certified from the authority concerned.

6. Quality: Every brand says, we are the best in quality, but do they have any certification from the authorized bodies? Are they aligned with the Nutraceutical Guidelines?
Proper certification has to be there for quality.

7. Quantity: After finding out the right part, now the question comes – what is the best quantity of that part that must be there in the product. Say, if 10(random number) Tulsi is required by human in today environment, so the same quantity has to be there, otherwise the product wouldn’t be effect…Though it can be looked cheaper but it won’t get you desired result.
There is a fact that we cannot have 10Tulsi leaves daily, and take that daily.
If we can what about the quality? So taking from right source in right quantity can serve your purpose. And supplement is the only way you can get what you want.

So these were 7 points that must be there in any herbs products – you can check and verify and then buy.

There is a way, how you can get above herbs with all 7 points discussed above.

Phytonutrient Definition, Sources, Types, Name & Benefits of 12


Phytonutrients with types and benefits

·        What is Phytonutrient?
Phytonutrient comes from a Greek word ‘Phyto’ means – Plant.
So the nutrient present in Plant is called Phytonutrient.
It is produced by plants and provides protection to the plant.
It can be found in Plant or Plant food (Fruits, vegetables, plants).
Phytonutrients have antioxidant properties which help in human body.

Benefits to Plants and Humans
In plants, it provides protection. For e.g., Fruit when attached to the plant is good in texture and as soon as, plucked from plant, starts to spoil.
It is because the plant was providing protection to it, and the thing that provide protection is Phytonutrient.
Same is in the case of any leaf, if you pluck it, it starts to decay because now it is not getting any kind of protection.

In Humans, Phytonutrient works at the cellular level, and has antioxidant property to cure and prevent any types of problem. It is also suggested to eat fresh fruit and vegetables because that contains phytonutrient too. Phytonutrient enhances/doubles the effect of Vitamin and Minerals in our body.

Types of Phytonutrients

There are many types of phytonutrient and can be consumed from different sources. If we talk in a simple manner then, we can also divide these on the basis of their color.
There are normally 5 types of phytonutrients (in respect to their colors.)
       1. Red Color – They are good for Heart Health
      2. Yellow & Orange – They are good for Vision Health
           3.  Purple – They are good for Brain Health
      4. White – They are good for Bones Health; some are good for 
           Heart also.
      5. Green – They are good for Cellular Growth of body.

     1) Red Color Sources
   Apple, Cherries, Cranberries, Red Grapes, Red Grapefruits, 
   Pomegranate, Raspberries, Strawberries, Watermelons, 
   Red onions, Radish, Tomatoes, Beetroot etc.

     2)Yellow & Orange color sources
    Lemons, Pineapple, Banana, Pear, Corn, Papaya, Mango, Oranges,
    Carrots, Pumpkin, Sweet Potatoes, Peaches, Apricot etc.

     3) Purple color Sources
    Blackberries, Blueberries, Purple Grapes, Brinjal, Black 
    currants etc.

     4) White color sources
    Cauliflower, Mushrooms, Garlic, Potatoes, Ginger, Onions, 
    White Radish etc.

     5) Green color sources
   Avocado, Green Grapes, Kiwi, Broccoli, Cabbage, Green Beans, 
   Cucumber, Spinach, Peas etc.

Names of few Phytonutrients & its Benefits: -
All phytonutrients work on cellular level, different ones can give different or same effect on humans.

     1.     Beta-carotene – Cellular Growth & Repair, etc. 
     2.     Theaflavins – Removes extra stored cholesterol from blood vessels, etc.
     3.     Catechin – Increases the metabolism, etc.
     4.     Isoflavone - Protection against cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, etc.
     5.     Elagic – acts as defense mechanism against infection and pests, etc.
     6.     Boswellia - Reduces inflammation in joints problem, etc.
     7.     Bromelian – Reduces pain in joints problem, etc.
     8.     Acerola cherry - Boost immunity, cellular protection, etc.
     9.     Citrus bioflavonoid – Blood circulation, act against allergies, 
           viruses, arthritis, other inflammatory conditions, etc.
    10.  Allicin – Boost immune, Aids in Blood thinning (helping in 
          reducing blood pressure), prevents Alzheimer Disease etc.
    11.   Blackcurrant – Metabolize protein, helps in collagen formation,
          aids in functioning of neural nerve (eyes to brain) etc.
12. Lycopene  - Supports in healthy DNA structure.

We can get above phytonutrient from the sources above mentioned but there is one constraint to it. Let’s discuss that: -

Time Constraint
We have discussed above that fruits and vegetables have phytonutrient in it, but there is a time frame/ or time constraint to it.
It has been observed that fruits and vegetables loose phytonutrients within 24-48hr when plucked out from respective plant.
Now think about it, do we consume fruits and vegetables within 24-48hr?
If your answer is Yes then okay, and now think about supply chain? Any product usually takes 5-7 days from the farm to your home.
If your answer is No then, you know it doesn’t have the nutrient in it.
We eat fruits and vegetables with a mindset that they will provide maximum nutrient to our body, but this is not the reality, in 24-48hrs it is gone!

There is a way you can get Phytonutrients with all its benefits.

7 Factors affecting health | What is Nutritional Gap ?

7 Factors affecting Health

7 factors affecting health

Nutrient/ Nutrition is required by our body all the time, call it Balanced Diet.
We have discussed both sources – good and bad previously. We find both options before us but because of many reasons we consume the bad ones. Yes it is true, with most of products we consume in a day are from bad source and we cannot do much about it.
What causes the food/product to be bad source…

Lets discuss 7 Factors affecting Health…

1. Environment – Pollution in form of Air, Dust, Noise (That’s we know), let’s talk about what it does to our body --> Pollution is full of bacteria of different kinds. Some give us cold-flu and others give many deadly diseases, --> Because Bacteria effects on the cellular level of our body. Now what is cellular level? To my non science friends I will refresh a little bit.
Cells are the smallest part of our body. (Remember something?) Let’s discuss in more simple words. How our body is formed? 
Let’s take a look …

Cells --------> Tissue --------> Organs ------->Organ System (Body) 
            Forms                    Forms                    Forms

Now, if anything attacks our cell, then the effect is on every body part. It is because when we talk about Brain, Heart, Kidney, Lungs, Stomach, Arm, Legs, Intestines, etc., everything is made up of Cell. So when pollution hit the cells, the whole body suffers.

2. Adulteration
Chemically manufactured products are everywhere; Be it Flour, Milk and Milk Products, Fruits, Vegetables. You must have heard the stories and seen the footage where the products are farmed or grown with the help of chemicals or pesticides. Though it is profitable but it has a bad effect on health of consumers. It leads to many disorders in our body. Adding colors, artificial sweeteners, brick powder, wax, sand, lead, oil (mixing other oil to form one) to our Product causes serious problems.
Moreover what it does to the product is, it makes the product 
Nutrition Deficient; and we think by eating fruits we are getting nutrition, but sorry it is not true.

3. Stress
The result of unavoidable continuous pressure on your mind and body is Stress. Stress can be caused by many things, be it a tension of reaching office on time or tension of completing work/project on deadline.
In long term, it can be named either Migraine or Depression. That’s we normally know, but what it does to our body let’s discuss that -->
it attacks the body on Cellular level (we discussed above, what cell is). Which cell – Brain Cells cause Nerve stress, nerve damage, nervous system failure. And if the brain or our main system is affected then the damage is on whole body.

4. Lifestyle
We are living a fast-paced life. We are always on rush and are never on time! Isn’t it strange?
We don’t have time for our self, just working and working (which is not wrong) but what about the tool that we use to work i.e., our body and its fuel – Food.
We do eat food but what about the timings? Do we eat on right time in a right way? Let’s discuss

a. Irregular Timing
What about Brunch? We have combined our Breakfast and Lunch..! Is this correct?
After night -dinner the interval of taking next meal becomes very long.
These longer intervals result in two things – 1. Diabetic/Sugar Problems or Gastric Problems.

b. Heavy meal
In the context of heavy meal --> Breakfast should be the heaviest then, Lunch and the lightest should be Dinner (that too 2hrs before Bed). Ask yourself do we do that?
Or we do exactly opposite?

c. Eating Habits – Heard of chewing our food 32 times? But do we do that?
This saying is because when we chew food 32 times it mixes with your saliva and make the food ready for digestion.
It results in slower metabolic rate which is very important rate to manage your weight.

5. Alcohol/Smoking
Who doesn’t know why these two are bad? Whether the damage caused only to Liver (alcohol) and Lungs (smoking)? The answer is no; there are other things also which get disturbed by these two in our body.

a. Alcohol Consumption - Our Digestive system is made up of three organs – Stomach, Intestine and Liver. When there is alcohol consumption then, it first affects Liver then Intestine then Stomach (organs in reserve digestion process). So from here the digestion system is disturbed now what? If the food is not properly digested then we know what problems it will cause.
Long term damage: - Liver damage, Nerve damage, Brain damage, Gastric, Cancer, Sexual Problems, Malnutrition and many more. (Gradually it affects whole body)

b. Smoking – It not only results in Lungs damage (what we usually know), the side effects are much more. After damage to lungs it starts damaging i.e., Diaphragm, Bronchi, Trachea. Then the affects reach to Heart (which is also nearest), Brain. and imagine what is left in body after that.
Long term damage: - Vision, Diabetes, Sexual Problems, Cancer, Arthritis, Fertility issues, Gums diseases, Immunity.

7. Cooking Habits
We use some wrong methods to cook our food and much more, which are harmful to health.
  • Fat rich cooking is what we do today and because of this the nutrients from our food are lost.
  • Frying – Either Deep (food fully immersed with oil) or Shallow (food almost immersed with oil) both are considered to be bad for health.
  • Boiling – When we boil any food- we use more water and it results in nutrient loss from the food. For e.g. When we boil Spinach it losses its nutrient value.
  • Roasting – When we roast anything, when the food comes in contact with Gas directly, it losses its nutrients.

All the above methods either result in making our food fat rich or nutrient loss or both.
Problems from Fat rich food: - Cholesterol, Heart strokes, Blood pressure etc.
Some Good methods are also there: - Sauté Frying (2-3 spoon oil) and Steaming.

From the above discussion, it can be clearly seen that because of our practices, lifestyle, cooking habits, environment, adulteration, etc. we are not getting the daily intake of Nutrition.
This causes a Nutritional Gap (What we should eat – What we eat)
Let’s talk about it more…

--> Nutritional Gap

Because of many factors we lack nutrition in our daily meal. It results in Nutrition Gap.
Let’s take an example of a wall:
‘?’ denotes no brick in wall.

















What happens to the wall, if earthquake comes?
It will collapse, because it lacks the proper quantity of bricks.

This what happens with our body, when we lack nutrition (just like bricks), any external factors (discussed above) when come in contact with body, Body collapses! And many problems (discussed with above points) start recurring

There is a way you can fill the gap and neutralize the bad effects.
There is way you can build your body strong enough to deal with problems (discussed above.)